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LIGHT, by R.W. Ditchburn, 692 pages, softbound. | A classic study presenting a single theory of light integrating the wave and quantum theories. Aimed at students with an intermediate-level knowledge of physics. | DITCHBURN670 |
LIGHT SCATTERING BY SMALL PARTICLES, by H.C. van de Hulst, 470 pages, softbound. | Comprehensive treatment including full range of useful approximation methods for researchers in chemistry, meteorology and astronomy. 44 illustrations. | HULST2283 |
LASER LIGHT SCATTERING, by Charles S. Johnson, Jr. And Don A. Gabriel, 112 pages, softbound. | Concise, accessible treatment focuses on classical light scattering and dynamic light scattering. Appendixes. | JOHNSON3281 |
OPTICS: THE SCIENCE OF VISION, by Vasco Ronchi, 360 pages, softbound. | Century optics, optical systems, acuity of vision, optical image, elements of wave motion, much more. 106 illustrations. | RONCHI8460 |
THE NATURE OF LIGHT AND COLOUR IN THE OPEN AIR, by M. Minnaert, 362 pages, softbound. | Mirages, illusions of multiple moons, the fata morgana, colored shadowsscores of other phenomena. 202 illustrations. | MINNAERT1961 |
OPTICKS, by Sir Isaac Newton, 532 pages, softbound. | Newtons own experiments with spectroscopy, colors, lenses, reflection, refraction, etc., in language the layman can follow. Forward by Albert Einstein. | NEWTON2052 |
VISUAL ILLUSIONS, by Matthew Luckiesh, 252 pages, softbound. | Psychological explanation of geometric, perspective illusions: size and shape distortions, color, motion, etc. 100 figures. | LUCKIESH530X |
PRACTICAL COLOR MEASUREMENT: A Primer for the Beginner, A Reminder for the Expert, by Anni Berger-Schunn, 192 pages, hardbound, published 1994. | Explains the principles of color measurement along with practical applications describing only what every user of color measurement should really know to properly do the job. Demonstrates how to depict colors with numbers from which follow diverse calculations of color differences. An effort has been made to keep mathematics to the minimum required. Contains scores of examples. | BERGER4170 |
UNDERSTANDING LASERS, by Jeff Hecht, 433 pages, softbound, published 1988. | The book covers the physical basics of a laser, its characteristics and accessories. It has sections on gas lasers, solid-state lasers, semiconductor lasers, and other types. It discuss the applications of low power and high power lasers. It contains quizzes at the end of each section. | HECHT2741 |